Character & POV
3 min read

How to use a rounded approach to to creating characters

An image of a character in a novel

Imagine looking at a flat circle and then watching it transform into a sphere before your eyes. This, dear friends, is the magic of a rounded character in the literary realm. A rounded character is fully developed and intricate, possessing depth and realism that allows readers to connect with them profoundly. Like a good chat with an old friend, getting to know a rounded character is a journey filled with revelations and surprises. So, without further ado, let's explore the steps to add layers to your characters, making them as round as a perfectly thrown potter's wheel creation.

An onion has layers – so should your characters

To create a rounded character, we need to start with the basics and then add layers. Think of your character like an onion (don't worry, we're not aiming for tears here). Begin with the surface – their appearance, their occupation, their role in the plot – and then delve deeper. Their hopes, dreams, fears, secrets – these are the layers that make a character come to life.

Crafting a backstory – a picture worth a thousand words

Your character didn't just spring up out of the blue – they have a history that shapes their personality, drives their motivations, and influences their actions. Create a backstory for your character, complete with past experiences, relationships, and events that have marked them. This backstory may not make it into your narrative explicitly but will influence your character's words and deeds.

Emotional complexities – the heart of the matter

Characters aren't robots (unless, of course, they are). They experience emotions, and these emotions drive their actions. To create a rounded character, you need to understand their emotional landscape. How do they handle joy, sorrow, fear, anger, and love? What are their triggers? Exploring these aspects can add depth and realism to your characters.

Strengths, weaknesses, and everything in between

Every character has strengths and weaknesses. These traits can add dimension to a character, making them more relatable and realistic. An exceptionally intelligent character might be socially awkward. A brave hero may have a deep-seated fear they must overcome. These strengths and weaknesses can also play a crucial role in the plot, influencing the course of the story.

Consistency is key – but so is change

A rounded character is consistent in their behaviour and reactions, but they are also capable of change. Character development, or the personal growth and transformation of a character over the course of a story, is a crucial element in creating a rounded character. After all, don't we all change over time?

The rounded approach – not without its curves

The rounded approach to character creation is a rewarding yet challenging route. It involves a deep understanding of the human condition and requires significant time and effort. But the payoff? Rich, complex characters that captivate your readers and drive your narrative.

A toast to the rounded character

In the bustling pub of storytelling, the rounded character is the charismatic local, full of stories and surprising insights. They are real, relatable, and robust, offering readers a deep connection and an unforgettable journey. So raise your glass, dear writers, to the rounded character. May they continue to charm us in tales yet to be told.