Understanding suspense and tension

Finding the perfect balance between suspense and tension is like crafting a fine recipe. Too bland? Add a dash of conflict. Too spicy? Let's take a pause. It's the pulse of your story, keeping your readers on their toes, engaged, excited, and hungry for more.
The need for balance
A story needs room to breathe with calm moments and glimpses of normality. These serve as short respites, providing the reader with space to process what's happening. But if that's all there is, the story can become sluggish and uninteresting.
Add some conflict, stir the pot, make things uncomfortable for your characters, and voila! The story comes to life. But like a spice-happy chef, overdo the conflict, and you're left with an inedible mess. That's why the magic lies in the delicate balance between suspense and tension.
The rhythm of storytelling
Stories, much like music, have rhythm and pace.
There is no one-size-fits-all pattern for achieving this. Your choice of pacing depends on your story's specific needs and your personal style. The pacing must be tailored to your plot and characters.
You can choose to start with slower scenes that build to more intense sequences as the action unfolds, or you can drop your readers right into the action from the beginning (like Leviathan Wakes does with Julie Mao's escape).
💡 Read more about how interconnected complications propel your plot.
The anatomy of suspense and tension
Suspense and tension create a mixture of fear and excitement that stems from uncertainty – the not-knowing of when, how, or why something is going to happen.
- Suspense builds through anticipation. It's the ticking bomb, the monster lurking in the shadows. Your readers know something is coming, but not exactly what or when, and that's what keeps them hooked.
- Tension is the sense of urgency, the fast heartbeat, the quick breaths. It's the chase, the race against time, the immediate threat that keeps your readers on edge.
These elements keep readers engaged, wondering what will happen next and feeling invested in the characters and the story's outcome.
💡 Read more about how to create tension in your story.
Mastering the art of suspense and tension
Crafting suspense and tension means playing with your readers' emotions, taking them on a thrilling ride without letting the excitement wear thin.
Remember, your story needs moments of calm and storm – room to breathe. If you can find that sweet spot between the suspense and tension, you've got yourself a page-turner.