The First Draft Pro Blog
We freaking love stories
You do too? Well, well, well. That smells like BFF potential.

Revising your first draft
With your first draft done, it’s time to invite your inner editor back and have a closer look at the shape of your story.

The Ultimate Guide to NaNoWriMo 2024
Learn all about National Novel Writing Month, it's rules, helpful tips and guidelines on how to win in 2023.

The afterparty
With the finish line in touching distance, let’s have a look at what’s on the agenda after Nanowrimo.

Eight parts to a great first chapter in your NaNoWriMo novel
A concrete checklist of things you should achieve in your first chapter.

How to refocus when you hit a slump
Here are a few tips to help you if you’re flagging or losing motivation.

The day before Nanowrimo
Let’s get you in the right headspace to embark on the 50,000 word writing journey ahead.

Establish your characters
These tips can help you get to grips with your main character and supporting cast.

The internet's biggest annual challenge to finish your first draft
Helping you complete your first draft is kind of our thing.

Create an outline for your NaNoWriMo novel
Build and release tension over the course of your narrative with an excellent outline.

How much research should you do upfront?
We’ve put together four steps to help you do your research – and know what’s enough.

Stay motivated and plan for Nanowrimo success 🌞
With the start of Nanowrimo on the horizon, here are our fave five tips for staying motivated.

The best tools for each part of your Nanowrimo journey
Here’s our round-up of the best tools for each part of Nanowrimo – right from concept to completion.