First Draft Pro vs Novlr

Novlr let’s you write your story online and offline. First Draft Pro takes story-centric writing, and puts collaboration at it’s heart.

Blocks creating a structured tower

Collaboration first

Collaboration is our core focus. First Draft Pro lets you write together in real-time.

A magnifying glass

Track your changes

Track changes, make comments, and manage suggested edits easily.

A browser window

Outline and plot

Tighten your story structure and see changes to the outline reflected in your manuscript automatically.

Compare features

Writing preferences are very personal! Pick tools that suit your process 😊

Apps & Access
Web app
Native app
Google SSO
Add multiple collaborators
Synchronous co-authoring
Shared comments
Share with readers
Writing Tools
Scene shuffle
Wiki-style notes linking
File management
Markdown support
Track changes
Version history
Full version forthcoming
Focus Tools
Focus features
Goal tracking
Projects Supported
Non-fiction & academic
Script writing

Still unsure?

First Draft Pro is designed specifically for collaboration. It’s the best writing app for writers who want to work with a co-writer to craft their story and editors to refine and polish.

From getting words on the page to tightening your story structure –  our additional tools help you manage a long and unwieldy manuscript.

Plus, you also get the added benefit of focus and productivity features.

Get 14-days free writing when you register an account.