3 min read

A short guide to novel ideation & research

An illustration of light bulbs.

Writing a novel is a thrilling adventure, and it all begins with the seed of an idea. However, transforming that seed into a flourishing story requires careful nurturing through ideation and research. In this guide, we'll break down the essential steps and considerations for both ideation and research, providing a comprehensive roadmap for aspiring novelists.

Ideation: Where ideas take root

Ideation is the creative process of generating, developing, and communicating new ideas. It's where your novel begins. Here's how to navigate this process.

1. Finding inspiration

Ideas can come from various sources:

  • Life Experiences: Drawing from personal emotions, events, or relationships.
  • Other Works: Inspiration from books, movies, or artworks without copying.
  • Current Events: Connecting to social, political, or cultural themes.
  • Imagination: Sometimes, a wild idea pops into your head!

2. Brainstorming

Brainstorming involves letting your creativity flow:

  • Freewriting: Write without judgement to see where your mind leads.
  • Mind Mapping: Visualise your ideas and their connections.
  • Collaboration: Discussing ideas with friends or writing groups can spark new insights.

3. Refining your idea

Once you've generated several ideas, it's time to narrow down:

  • Theme and Purpose: What messages or insights do you want to convey?
  • Originality: Ensure your idea is fresh and unique.
  • Marketability: Consider if your idea will resonate with readers and publishers.

Research: Laying a solid foundation

Research ensures that your novel is grounded in reality, providing authenticity and depth. Here's a step-by-step guide to effective research.

1. Identifying your research needs

First, pinpoint what you need to research:

  • Setting: Historical period, locations, cultures, etc.
  • Characters: Professions, lifestyles, psychology, etc.
  • Plot: Technical details, legal aspects, scientific facts, etc.

2. Gathering information

Collect information from various sources:

  • Books and Articles: Libraries and academic journals are treasure troves of information.
  • Online Research: Use credible websites and online databases.
  • Interviews: Experts in the field can provide valuable insights.
  • Observation: Sometimes, experiencing something firsthand is the best research.

3. Organising your research

Keeping your research organised is crucial:

  • Note-taking: Keep detailed notes and highlight key information.
  • Filing System: Create a digital or physical filing system to access information easily.
  • Citation Tracking: Note sources for future referencing.

4. Evaluating sources

Ensure your sources are reliable:

  • Authority: Check the credentials of authors or publishers.
  • Accuracy: Verify information across multiple sources.
  • Relevance: Make sure the information is pertinent to your novel.

Integrating ideation and research into your writing

The connection between ideation, research, and writing is vital:

  • Stay True to Your Vision: Ensure your research complements and enhances your original idea.
  • Show, Don't Tell: Use research to enrich descriptions without overloading readers with facts.
  • Be Flexible: Sometimes, research may change your original idea. Adapt as needed.

Planting the seeds of success

Novel ideation and research are the foundational stages of your writing project. By cultivating a strong idea and supporting it with meticulous research, you're planting the seeds for a successful novel. Embrace the process, trust the journey, and remember – every great novel starts with an idea and a willingness to explore. Whether a seasoned writer or a hopeful beginner, this guide is your companion in the quest to turn ideas into literary art.